Tuesday, September 12, 2006

You Know What Really Bugs Me?

Well, lots of things. I'm an irritable, cranky person so it often doesn't take much. But I was just getting ready to eat an apple and had to remove the mandatory sticker. Why can't they use a sticker that comes off without leaving residue on my fruit? Over the last few years I've noticed a growing trend that the stickers either can't be removed without removing a piece of the produce along with it or else they come off and leave adhesive on my fruit. How healthy is that?! I'm dieting, dammit, which means that I'm even crankier than usual and I'm eating tons of apples because they don't have many calories and are a whole lot healthier than the peanut M&Ms that I really want and I have to deal with stickers and sticker adhesive on top of it all! It's just the straw....

Diet and exercise suck...

But, I promise I'll post before and after photos after I lose the 30 pounds I'm trying to drop by February, 2007. You know, the 30 pounds I've been planning on losing since I lost the last 30 pounds.


Sister Mary Lisa said...

We are rooting for you, not because we think you're fat, but because we're tired of you throwing apples through the window in disgust!

:) Dieting sucks, you're right. (She says as she pops another peanut M&M.)

La said...

Well, Bull, I'm just happy you posted something to humanize you. I was beginning to wonder... :)

Totally kidding!

Once you're 30 lbs lighter, and more svelte, you'll forget the apple sticker residue. I'm sure of it.

Bishop Rick said...


That is cruel. Now I have a craving for peanut M&Ms.


Sister Mary Lisa said...

BR, so go buy some and think of me while you enjoy them! Nobody's holding you back!!


Anonymous said...

I've been dieting for almost a year. (Well, my whole life, but I've actually started losing weight in the last year) Now I've given myself a goal weight and a deadline...My 40th (oh god, that hurts) birthday. It's Dec. 7th and I have 15 pounds to reach my goal. But if I do, it will represent a loss from my heaviest point of about 50 pounds.
But yeah...I know what you mean about the cranky part. Try listening to your spouse munch potato chips in bed right next to you when you're trying to forgo a bedtime snack!

Bull said...

The only thing that seems to work for me is counting calories while I also exercise. From that I've learned that I really CAN'T afford to hit the M&Ms or sugared sodas very often before the calories start to add up. So, I'm must going to have to say no...